
Friday, September 17

Blueberry Peach Vanilla Nut Smoothie

The last couple months have proven difficult for me.  I have always had trouble with digestion, but lately it's been getting worse.  This pushes me forward, giving me motivation to keep seeking for answers.  I have been reading more and more about the vegan and raw food diet.  It makes so much sense! For anyone who is intrigued or needing answers to health problems I would definitely recommend looking into these lifestyles.  My favorite read right now is Raw Food/Real World by Matthew Kenney and Sarma Melngailis.  These two do a great job of simplifying the information and explaining the amazing benefits of eating raw.  They have me greatly convinced and now I'm just trying to move towards the raw lifestyle.  As a result I have started eating vegan, so if I must be classified I would call myself a gluten-free vegan, attempting to eat raw whenever possible.

In their book Matthew and Sarma share a wonderful array of delicious recipes.  The easiest to create are of course the smoothies.  A perfect, sweet and filling treat, smoothies are a fun and colorful way to eat well.  I have had fun creating all sorts in the past weeks.  So.... I thought I might share two with you.  Hope these refresh your day as they have mine!

{Blueberry Peach Vanilla Nut Smoothie}


2 Cups Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
1 Cup Frozen Blueberries
2 Frozen Peaches
1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
1/4 teaspoon Vanilla Creme Stevia
{Feel free to add more if you like it sweeter}
3 Cups Crushed Ice
{This varies depending on how thick you like your smoothies}
1/4 teaspoon Coarse Sea Salt

For protein and lasting energy add one of these two ingredients:

1/4 Raw Cashews

2 tablespoons Raw Almond Butter

For the Almond version, blend all the above ingredients and then add in the two tablespoons.  For the Cashew version, first blend the nuts with the milk and then add the rest.  Feel free to experiment.  Smoothies are flexible, so add or reduce the amount of sweetener and ice to your preference.  Make it YOUR smoothie. Get creative and enjoy!

For other great healthy recipes check out Slightly Indulgent Tuesday and Gluten-Free Wednesdays


Linda said...

All the ingredients in your title just make me think "Mmmmm." I think it's time for a smoothie. Thanks for joining Gluten-Free Wednesdays.

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